Conferentie 'From Text(s) to Book(s)'


Van 21 tot 23 juni 2012 vindt in Nancy een internationale conferentie plaats, 'From Text(s) to Book(s). Het initiatief komt van I.D.E.A. (Théories et pratiques de l’Interdisciplinarité Dans les Etudes Anglophones), de werkgroep van het departement Engels van de Université de Lorraine in Nancy en het evenement wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing). Deze conferentie is de derde in een reeks over boekgeschiedenis en editiewetenschap.

From Text(s) to Book(s), an international conference sponsored by the IDEA (Interdisciplinarité dans les Etudes Anglophones) research group at Université de Lorraine (France), and sponsored by SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing), will explore the ways in which texts are materialised for consumption by the reading public.

The conference situates itself in the lineage of recent studies in textual scholarship which emphasise the variety and instability of textual productions, and of works in book history which stress the influence that paratextual elements and the physical form(s) of printed material exert on readerly interpretation. It follows D. F. McKenzie in adopting a broad definition of texts ‘to include verbal, visual, oral, and numeric data, in the form of maps, prints and music, of archives of recorded sound, of films, videos, and any computer-stored information’. In this way, it invites interdisciplinary approaches to the topic. The conference title likewise echoes, and aims to expand upon, that of Hubert Nyssen’s 1993 work Du texte au livre, les avatars du sens, which studies the phases of mutation from the authorial text to the manufactured book.

Confirmed keynote speakers for the conference are Espen Aarseth (Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen), Pascal Durand (Université de Liège, Belgium), Daniel Ferrer (CNRS, ITEM, France), David Finkelstein (University of Dundee, UK) and Claire Parfait (Université Paris 13, France).

Meer informatie vindt u op de website van I.D.E.A.

21-06-2012 - 23-06-2012

Campus Lettres et Sciences Humaines of Université de Lorraine in Nancy

Uiterste inschrijfdatum 

15 mei 2012

  • Agendabericht
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  • 05-04-2012
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  • Susanna De Schepper (Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken)