Conferentie 'Knowing the need'

The British Library, London

In 2006 publiceerde de British Library het rapport 'Knowing the need. A report on the emerging picture of preservation need in libraries and archives in the UK'. Het rapport bracht, op basis van collectiesurveys uitgevoerd in de periode 2001-2006 in ongeveer 80 instellingen, de noden inzake preservering van erfgoedbibliotheken en archieven in het Verenigd Koninkrijk in kaart.

Op deze conferentie begin maart 2013 wordt door het Preservation Advisory Centre van de British Library een vervolgstudie op basis van collectiesurveys uitgevoerd in 2006-2011 gepresenteerd. Van dit nieuwe rapport 'Knowing the need. Optimising preservation for library and archive collections' is reeds een draft-versie beschikbaar.

Knowing the need

This one day conference presents the findings from a recent analysis of the state of preservation in libraries and archives, Knowing the Need, 2006-2011 alongside complementary projects which share the goal of understanding the issues on which the long-term use of collections depend.

The conference uses the Knowing the Need, 2006-2011 findings to highlight the areas in which preservation practice is strong, and identify where there are common weaknesses. It looks at an apparent lack of discrimination in the application of preservation strategies and uses discussion sessions to investigate the reasons for this. It challenges decision-makers to be more selective in their decision making and prioritisation in order to optimise their preservation activity. It suggests next steps for those who influence and are engaged in preservation activity and tests the appetite for working together to improve the status quo.

Topics include:

  • Findings from Knowing the Need, 2006-2011 (Caroline Peach)
  • The RLUK project ‘Unique and Distinctive Collections’ (Alison Cullingford)
  • Environmental control as a preservation strategy (Dr Barry Knight)
  • Surrogacy: past practice, future intention (Deborah Novotny)
  • A project to establish the preservation needs of archives in Scotland (Linda Ramsay)

Registreren kan via de website van het Preservation Advisory Centre.

  • Agendabericht
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  • 04-02-2013
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  • Sam Capiau (Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek)