[NUMERIC] Study Report. Study findings and proposals for sustaining the framework

Title[NUMERIC] Study Report. Study findings and proposals for sustaining the framework
Publication TypeRapport
Year of Publication2009
Date Published05/2009
InstitutionChartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)
AbstractMany different types of institution make up the cultural sector, and within this diverse universe, the “Numeric” study has attempted to establish a framework where the progress towards digitising the cultural heritage of Europe can be measured in statistical terms. This involved development and testing of the framework and the associated methodology for the collection and analysis of data on digitisation of material by libraries, archives and museums to better identify the total European digitisation effort and progress. Quantified indicators for measuring the following variables were sought: - digitisation costs, investments and funding sources; - volume and growth of digitised resources, related to the analogue collections held by institutions; - the characteristics of digitised outputs, including their formats and user access.
NotesBijlagen in afzonderlijk bestand: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/telearn-digicult/numeric-study-appendice...
Citation Key1669
  • Documentatie
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  • 03-02-2011