Good Practice Handbook

TitleGood Practice Handbook
Publication TypeRapport
Year of Publication2003
Corporate AuthorsMinerva Working Group 6. Identification of good practices and competence centre
Date Published11/2003
Call NumberVEB-DB-1681
AbstractThis document is a result of the Minerva project’s good practice working group (WP 6). It presents a practical handbook to the establishment, execution and management of digitisation projects, with particular focus on the cultural area (libraries, museums, archives). The target audience of this handbook is teams within and across cultural institutions who are contemplating, or are already executing, digitisation projects. The document reflects the outcome of the work carried out by WP 6 of the Minerva project, including the substantial research represented by the national questionnaires completed in connection with the National Representatives Group (NRG) meeting in Alicante, May 2002.
Citation Key1681
  • Documentatie
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  • 07-02-2011