The power of knowledge. Phase 2. RLUK Strategic Plan - 2011-2014

TitleThe power of knowledge. Phase 2. RLUK Strategic Plan - 2011-2014
Publication TypeRapport
Year of Publication2011
InstitutionResearch Libraries UK
AbstractThis second strategic plan outlines our strategy for the period 2011-14. The funding and policy environment in the UK is in the midst of significant change, and research libraries are facing the challenges of reduced funding, increased competition, and wider and more diverse audiences. Our approach to meeting these pressures is to build collective capacity through a strong model of collaboration and partnership. Our new strategic aims will blend established forward commitments with objectives designed to address emergent aspects of the work of research libraries. Core aims developed in the first planning period – developing the research library workforce, resource discovery and building the new information research environment - are carried through and reshaped as part of the five aims in the new plan.
Citation Key1991
  • Documentatie
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  • 29-08-2011