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An ABC of Heritage Libraries, Edited by Eva Wuyts and Pierre Delsaerdt. Antwerpen: Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek, 2014.
Heaney, Michael. An Analytical Model of Collections and their Catalogues. Oxford: UK Office for Library and Information Networking, 2000.
van der Most, Peter, Peter Defize, and John Havermans. Archives Damage Atlas. A Tool for Assessing Damage, Edited by Erik van der Doe. Den Haag: Metamorfoze, 2010.
Walker, Alice. Basic Preservation Guidelines for Library and Archive Collections In NPO Preservation Guidance Preservation Management Series. London: National Preservation Office, 2008.
Marks, P. J. M. Beautiful Bookbindings - A Thousand Years of the Bookbinder's Art. London/New Castle: British Library/Oak Knoll Press , 2011.
The Book of Books. 500 Years of Graphic Innovation, Edited by Matieu Lommen. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012.
Pearson, David, John Mumford, and Alison Walker. Bookbindings. Preservation Advisory Centre, 2010.
Desroussiles, Francois Dupuigrenet. "Bridging the Gap : A View from France." RBM, A Journal of rare Books,Manuscripts & Cultural Heritage 7 (2006): 64-68.
Business Planning for Digital Libraries. International Approaches, Edited by Mel Collier. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2010.
Cold storage seminar rapport. British Library/Preservation Advisory Centre, 2011.
Hubo, Jorn. The Conscience-Lantslot: A Rare Gem. Antwerpen: Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, 2020.
Waller, Robert. "Conservation risk assessment: A strategy for managing resources for preventive conservation." In Preprints of the Congress of Preventive Conservation: Practice, Theory and Research, Ottawa, 12-16. London: Int. Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1994.
Leclercq-Paulissen, Jean. Contribution à l'histoire de la presse tournaisienne depuis ses origines jusqu'en 1914 In Bijdragen / Interuniversitair Centrum voor Hedendaagse Geschiedenis [Leuven]. Vol. 6. Leuven: Nauwelaerts, 1958.
Coordinating digitisation in Europe. Progress reports 2007, Edited by Maria Teresa Natale and Marzia Piccininno. Rome: MINERVA eC Project, 2008.
Bendix, Caroline. Damaged books. London: British Library Preservation Advisory Centre , 2010.
Bulthé, G. De Vlaamse loopgravenpers tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog In Bijdragen / Centrum voor Militaire Geschiedenis. Vol. 7. Brussel: Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en van Krijgsgeschiedenis, 1971.
Digital Preservation Business Case Toolkit. SPRUCE Project / Digital Preservation Coalition, 2013.
Hughes, Lorna M. Digitizing Collections: Strategic Issues for the Information Manager In Digital Futures. London: Facet Publishing, 2004.
Baker, Nicholson. "Do we want to keep our newspapers?" In Do we want to keep our newspapers?, edited by David McKitterick. London: Office for Humanities Communication, 2002.
Baker, Nicholson. Double fold. Libraries and the assault on paper. New York: Random House, 2001.
Trant, Jennifer. "Emerging convergence ? Thoughts on museums, archives, libraries, and professional training." Museum Management and Curatorship 24, no. 4 (2009): 369-387.
Cordewiener, André. Etude de la presse liégeoise de 1830 à 1850 et répertoire général In Bijdragen / Interuniversitair Centrum voor Hedendaagse Geschiedenis [Leuven]. Vol. 1972. Leuven: Nauwelaerts, 1972.
Warnotte, Marie-Louise. Etude sur la presse à Namur, 1794-1914 In Bijdragen / Interuniversitair Centrum voor Hedendaagse Geschiedenis [Leuven]. Vol. 44. Leuven: Nauwelaerts, 1965.
Het rijk van de krant = Le journal dans tous ses états In Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België, Edited by Marc D'hoore, Dirk Luyten and Thierry Delplancq. Vol. 68. Brussel: Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België, 2007.
The Impact of Digital Technology on Contemporary and Historic Newspapers In International Newspaper Conference, Singapore (01-04-2008 - 03-04-2008) & IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Québec (08-2008), Edited by Hartmut Walravens. Vol. 135. IFLA Publications 135. Saur, 2008.