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van der Most, Peter, Peter Defize, and John Havermans. Archives Damage Atlas. A Tool for Assessing Damage, Edited by Erik van der Doe. Den Haag: Metamorfoze, 2010.
Marks, P. J. M. Beautiful Bookbindings - A Thousand Years of the Bookbinder's Art. London/New Castle: British Library/Oak Knoll Press , 2011.
Pearson, David, John Mumford, and Alison Walker. Bookbindings. Preservation Advisory Centre, 2010.
Baker, Nicholson. "Do we want to keep our newspapers?" In Do we want to keep our newspapers?, edited by David McKitterick. London: Office for Humanities Communication, 2002.
Fredheim, Harald, Sharon MacDonald, and Jennie Morgan. Profusion in Museums. A Report on Contemporary Collecting and Disposal., 2018.
Mottequin, Ph. Répertoire de la presse de la province de Luxembourg (1760-1940) In Bijdragen / Interuniversitair Centrum voor Hedendaagse Geschiedenis [Leuven]. Vol. 84. Leuven: Nauwelaerts, 1978.
Peach, Caroline, Mike Mertens, and Alison Cullingford. Unique and Distinctive Collections: Opportunities for Research Libraries. [London]: Research Libraries UK, 2014.
Van Impe, Jan. "Why Leuven University Library (Belgium) accepted eight tons of old newspapers from the British Library." In Do we want to keep our newspapers?, edited by David McKitterick. London: Office for Humanities Communication, 2002.