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Cold storage seminar rapport. British Library/Preservation Advisory Centre, 2011.
Hubo, Jorn. The Conscience-Lantslot: A Rare Gem. Antwerpen: Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, 2020.
Waller, Robert. "Conservation risk assessment: A strategy for managing resources for preventive conservation." In Preprints of the Congress of Preventive Conservation: Practice, Theory and Research, Ottawa, 12-16. London: Int. Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1994.
Leclercq-Paulissen, Jean. Contribution à l'histoire de la presse tournaisienne depuis ses origines jusqu'en 1914 In Bijdragen / Interuniversitair Centrum voor Hedendaagse Geschiedenis [Leuven]. Vol. 6. Leuven: Nauwelaerts, 1958.
Coordinating digitisation in Europe. Progress reports 2007, Edited by Maria Teresa Natale and Marzia Piccininno. Rome: MINERVA eC Project, 2008.