Databanken voor Latijnse incunabels in Spaans en Portugees bezit

Geïnteresseerd in incunabels, klassiek Latijnse auteurs en/of boekenproductie en -bezit in Spanje en Portugal? Dan zijn hier twee databanken, online beschikbaar en raadpleegbaar in het Spaans of het Engels.
- CICLE (Corpus of Classic Latin Incunabula in Spain) is a relational database which is focused on the heritage of incunable editions of Latin classics produced in printing presses located in Spain from the 1470s till 1500, including printings in Latin and in translation. The database identifies the collection of editions and the surviving copies in Spain as well as elsewhere.
- The CICLPor database (Corpus of Classic Latin Incunabula preserved in Portuguese libraries) comprises the Portuguese heritage of copies of incunabula of Latin authors from the Archaic period until Late Antiquity, ending at the time of Isidore of Seville (ca. 560-636). Incunabula included in CICLPor were printed outside of Portugal since in this period no Latin classic texts were produced by printing presses located in the country. Editions in Latin as well as translations are included.
Beide zijn onderdeel van een project rond Latijnse klassiekers in de vroegste jaren van de drukpers, uitgevoerd door de National Distance Education University (UNED, Madrid).
CERL Information